Use WATER wisely
Water is well known worldwide to be essential to life. Here are some golden reminders for making water most beneficial to your health:
- Water should be used regularly to drink, but when water is diluted with caffeine, it looses all the benefits. Remember that coffee, green tea and cocoa all contain high amounts of caffeine. Pure, clean water is essential to wash out toxins and to sustain cells. Blood cannot flow when it is thick, which literally happens when you are dehydrated. Don't forget about these simple tricks to drink plenty water daily. In our home we clearly notice a difference when we fill 3 individually chosen water bottles with water and keep them handy where we are working/playing/learning/gardening. Adding a slice of lemon or cucumber or ginger is a personal favourite. Topping a half-full water bottle with left over, cooled rooibos or other herbal tea, also works well for all of us.
- Avoid drinking water or other drinks with your meals. This dilutes saliva and digestive juices, leaving food at risk of rotting before digestion is completed. Drinks are best to enjoy 1 hour before/after meals. Starting your day with 2 glasses of warm water as soon as you wake up, does wonders for your entire system (add some lemon juice to help with the taste).
- Water is also essential as a cleaning agent. Washing away germs is vital for health. Regular hand-washing, bathing and even hydrotherapy are all beneficial for good blood circulation and keeping impurities at bay. Having a warm bath, improves the blood circulation and has benefits for both the inside and outside of the body. A warm bath even increases and aids digestive functions.
- Keep an eye out for our upcoming section on remedies, where the use of water plays a crucial role.
“Impurities are constantly and imperceptibly passing from the body, through the pores, and if the surface of the skin is not kept in a healthy condition, the system is burdened with impure matter….and if the garments worn are not frequently cleansed…the pores of the skin absorb again the waste matter thrown off. The impurities of the body… are taken back into the blood, and forced upon the internal organs.”
--EGW, Healthful Living, p. 143--